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Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Journey to God Alone. Sunday, April 13. Lent 2014.

Montfort continues to bring up this idea of God Alone.
We can sort of comprehend what it means
but it is not something that is truly understood
until we set out on the mission of God Alone ourselves.

God Alone is not just God above all.
But all God.
Nothing else.
Nothing else matters.
Just God.
God Alone.

How can we serve Him?
How can we love Him?
How can we bring others to Him?
How can He be the focus of my day?

These questions all sound nice.
But that is just the surface of God Alone.

As with so many destinations,
it takes a journey to get there.
So too with God Alone.
And a challenging journey at that.

We are so focused on things of the world.
And the world is so focused on itself.

“When God and the faith are no longer taken for granted, new possibilities are created to encounter God and to learn something of the lived adventure of saints both known and unknown.”

When we stop taking God for granted,
when we stop placing Him on the back burner,
we can begin this journey to God Alone.

“Christian life is not only an affair of the head but also of the heart—and of the hands and feet. To begin to live with God entails much risk and suffering—Montfort attests to it. But his great experience is that a life in God gives incredible joy and fulfillment.”

“Man has to be moved outside himself and placed under the Word of God. There is no direct access to God. Man must move himself outside himself or, better, let God move him.”

“There can be no question of ‘God Alone’ of God who speaks heart to heart, until a man is ready to undertake a voyage which must begin by a departure, a desert, a conversation.”

Are we ready to undertake God Alone?
The trials,
the joys,
the total surrender,
the risks,
the fulfillment,
the humility,
the giving of ourselves?

God Alone.

This Lenten blog series is based upon St. Louis de Montfort's writings. Unless otherwise noted, all the phrases in quotation marks are taken from the book Jesus Living in Mary.

1 comment:

  1. A.M.D.G.

    Tuus totus ego sum, et omnia mea tua sunt, O dulcissime Iesu, per Mariam, Mater tua sanctae.

    I recently received my new "little chain" from the Montfortians. I wear it and in all seriousness...it "bothers" me, it is uncomfortable on my wrist, foreign to wearing nothing...it is DEFINITELY a reminder...constantly reminding me of my consecration to Jesus through Mary...and this is a good thing.

    I think...how can I love thee more ardently, my Lord?
    Am I worthy of wearing this "little chain"?
    It is a constant reminder of what a miserable creature I am...without God...therefore I desire to be with God...God alone.


