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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Holding On. Thursday, September 11. 2014.

My students like to hold onto things.

Things like footballs and grudges.
Both of which make for interesting days.

When they hold onto their friendships or their faith,
the day runs much smoother. 

As we get older,
not much changes.

We are living in this world that we are not of.
It is a daily challenge to say the very least.
The world is there to constantly remind us
that we don’t belong.

As the world keeps shoving us away,
we cling tighter to the world.
We want to fit in.
We want to be a part.
We want to feel loved.

The Word Himself stands with open arms ready to show us
how we fit within His heart,
how we can play a part in His mission,
how deeply loved we are without even knowing it.

As much as I would like to say that I seek the Word more than the world,
it is a daily battle.
A back and forth,

Though exhausting,
it is a battle worth fighting.

Giving up will lead to defeat.

it’s easier to quit.
And it will probably lead to more earthly enjoyment.

But Mark challenges us-
What profit is there for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?
Mark 8:36

What is the point in clinging to the world
if it puts our soul in eternal danger?

Christ died that we might have the opportunity for eternal life.
Is the world greater than His sacrifice?
Is the world more important than our souls?

Multiple times a day we have to ask ourselves these questions
and following,
we must answer them.

We are weak,
we need someone or something to cling to.

will it be the world
or the Word?

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