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Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Cradle to the Cross. Advent Day 1. December 1, 2013.

The Cradle to the Cross.
So, Jesus hasn’t even been born yet this liturgical season
and we are already talking about His death.
I know.
I didn’t get it either, at first.
Let me explain:
I was doing some homework when it came to mind to do an Advent blog series.
My sentiments:  “Yeah, cool idea Jesus but you’re gonna have to help me here. Big time”.

Throughout the day I was mulling over this idea of an Advent blog series.
I asked the Lord to help me come up with a title, some way to present this idea.
Coming home from taking my sister to church, the Lord placed this idea before me:
The Cradle to the Cross.
At first, I just thought it was a cool concept.
But the more I reflected on the phrase,
the better I understood that this was to be the name for this Advent blog series.
The Cradle to the Cross.

So, why The Cradle to the Cross?
Why are we talking about one of the most gruesome deaths ever at the happiest of times?

Jesus Christ came to earth as expiation for our sins. (Romans 3:25)
Jesus Christ came to earth so that we might have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
However you put it, the root of the message is:
Jesus Christ was born to die.

But true.
Each thing that Jesus did,
each event that occurred,
each word that Jesus spoke,
each miracle He performed,
each step He took,
it was all aimed at one thing:
completing the mission given to Him by His Father.

The completion of Jesus’ earthly mission took something of around 33 years.
This was time enough to perform miracles,
to save lives,
to change lives,
to baptize,
to bring to truth and faith,
and essentially to change the whole course of human history.
Jesus is fully divine.
But He is also fully human.
His time on earth was also used as time to prepare His own heart
for the mission ahead of Him.

We have 24 days.
What can we do in 24 days to change our own hearts to form to His?
What can we do to change lives?
How can we touch others?
How can we, through Christ, help humanity to be fixed upon Him?

I know I could do a lot of damage in 24 days.
I could spend way too much time complaining about people,
gain an absurd amount of weight from Christmas cookies,
spend more money than most of the world can even count,
and could spew out harsh words due to the stress of the holidays.  

But I wonder if I could stop doing the damaging things
and start participating in the good?
I wonder if I could take all the effort that I put towards the negative
and give of myself this Advent?
I wonder if I could give up all of the bad things
and essentially find who I am in Christ
and get closer to completing the mission that He has set out for me?
I can try.
I’m going to try.

Will you join me?