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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Prayer of a Child. Wednesday February 19, 2014.

Earlier today I was in chapel.
A dad came in with his two kids.
His daughter, who was maybe 7,
quietly walked over toward a kneeler,
knelt down,
made the sign of the cross,
closed her eyes,
folded her hands,
prayed for 15 seconds (maybe),
made the sign of the cross,
and left to find her brother.

I tried to imagine what might have been going through her mind.
I figure her prayer may have been something along the lines of:
“Thank you for this day Jesus. I love you Jesus. Amen.”

I cannot quiet explain how incredibly refreshing
and rejuvenating it was to watch her pray.
I felt a wave of peace wash over me as real as if it were a tidal wave.

She was not worried,
or tainted by the world.

Her face just glowed.
Peace was within her.

Whatever her prayer may have been,
it was heartfelt,
there were no pretenses.

When I pray,
it takes much longer than 15 seconds to convey my thoughts.
Not because I am more holy, not at all.
But rather, because of all the whining and complaining I do.  

My prayer comes with pretenses,
"I’ll do this only if You do this Lord".
Then I complain about everything under the sun.
And as I leave I remember to muster out an,
“Oh yeah, I love you Lord".

There is not one method of prayer that is better than another.
People foster their relationship with Christ in different ways.

But I have to say,
I’d like to foster my relationship with Christ in the way that this little girl did.
I’d like to pray like this child.

To be radiant with joy.
Beaming with peace.

Talking to my best friend,
not complaining at Him.

To have a relationships with Him,
not be in opposition to Him.

To be dependent on Him,
not dependent on myself or on the world.

To thank Him,
not tell Him how my life sucks.

And to pray, 
to pray like a child.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said.
    God reward you with the gift of faith to pray like a child.

    Mrs. O
