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Saturday, March 8, 2014

To Jesus through Mary. Saturday, March 8. Lent 2014.

One of the cool things about being Catholic
is all those who we can pray to:
Jesus, Mary, the Holy Spirit, God, the numerous saints.
For me,
that can be almost overwhelming.
Who do I pray to?
Who do I leave out?
I don’t want to hurt that saint’s feelings…
Serious thoughts here people…

Montfort proposed this idea that
it doesn’t necessarily have to be a pick and choose when praying.

Montfort might be best known for his platform:
Consecration to Jesus through Mary.

Jesus came to us through Mary. 
We go to him through Mary. 

“Those who embark on this journey are to be formed by Mary and to work ardently in Her Son’s service. Its aim is the establishment and spread of the reign of Mary in our souls, in order to ensure the perfection of Jesus Christ’s reign.”

Sure, we can pray directly to Jesus, absolutely,
but take a look at the example that Mary set:

“Perfect model of the apostolic spiritual life is the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Apostles…she remained intimately united to her Son and cooperated in an entirely unique way in the Savior’s work.”

How beautiful.
She is the perfect example.
She was fully obedient and fully united with Him.
What an incredible goal to strive for.
And the reward?

“The more a soul is united to Mary and in communion with her virtues, dispositions and intentions, the more Christ can grow in it, as in Mary, and fulfill is work of grace.”

To Jesus.
Through Mary.

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