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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Psalm 51:12. Wednesday, March 9. 2016.

The “honeymoon phase” of relationships is so fun and so easy.
All the good feelings and emotions take precedence over any negative at all. 
But the reality is, that phase ends.
The good feelings and emotions neutralize,
we come back down to earth,
and reality sets in.

Sometimes the truth is,
the outline above describes our relationship with Christ.

We are so in love!
We can’t imagine life without Christ!
We won’t ever sin again!
Prayer is something we just can’t get enough of!
We can’t find enough ministries to belong to!
We can’t get through the Bible fast enough!
The Rosary seems like the best time of our day!
And, and, and.

And then
the “honeymoon phase” ends.
For whatever reason.
Emotions fade.
Feelings wane.
Time gets the best of us.

This is reality, unfortunately.

We go through these dry spells.
These times of questioning.
Of being captivated by the world.
The prayer that we once held so dear
is now a well run dry.

We might consider this shameful or embarrassing
but the thing is,
we are not alone in this.

See, the psalmist, David, felt these feelings too.
Thousands of year ago.
He wrote a Psalm about it.
Psalm 51.

“A clean heart create for me, God;
renew within me a steadfast spirit.”
Psalms 51:12

And thousands of year after David first expressed these feelings,
a modern Christian artist expressed the same feelings.

Jon Foreman wrote a song called White as Snow in which he sings:

“Would You create in me a clean heart, oh God.
Restore in me the joy of Your salvation.”

Both men crying out for forgiveness.
Asking if the Lord could possibly forgive their wandering,
their faulty choices,
their flighty emotions,
and make their hearts clean, once again.

Not only did they ask for a clean heart,
but they also asked that the Lord give them a reason to be joyful again.
A way to possibly extend that “honeymoon phase”.
Interestingly enough,
that requested joy had nothing to do with the things of the world.
Quite the opposite.

Lord, let us find joy in your salvation.

These men, realized that there was not joy to be found in the things of the world.
The true joy was to be found in salvation.
In the opportunity of eternal life with Christ
because He took on death so that we didn’t have to.

Brothers and sisters, you see, there is always joy to be found.
Even in the dark, dull moments of our faith.
Even in the doubt and questioning.
Even when our emotions decide to take off in another direction.

It isn’t necessarily easy to find that joy.
Maybe we aren’t really sure how to.
But we might be able to take some advice from some incredible Christians and simply pray:

“Would You create in me a clean heart, oh God.
Restore in me the joy of Your salvation.”

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