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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Sojourners. Thursday, October 23. 2014.

“Beloved, I urge you as aliens and sojourners to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against the soul.”
1 Peter 2:11

This verse starts off so gently but then
jumps right into the harsh reality that is part of our lives.

We are aliens and sojourners
journeying through this life,
this season,
awaiting our final destination.

This isn’t home.
I’m not sure why in our humanness
we try so hard to make it home.

This is the world.
It is simply a moment in time
compared with our life eternal.

We get so wrapped up in the day to day.
Eternity seems forever away
so we cave into what this world has to offer.
According to Peter,
we should be running the other direction.

This is not necessarily the most comfortable season of our lives.
And that is okay.
It won’t always be a breeze.
Remember, there is still a battle raging.
A war taking place.

Spiritual warfare was present when Peter wrote this passage
just as it is present now.

The battle is raging.
The world is pining for our souls.
So too is Christ.

If Christ is fighting so hard for our souls,
then why are we so leniently selling our souls to temporary things of the world?

If Christ is giving His all for our souls,
don’t you think they are important,
and worth it,
and made for more than what this world has to offer?

He died on the cross for you.
Your soul was worth it.

He fights for your soul every day.
He battles the things of the world
that we cannot seem to let go of;
wards off the things harmful to our souls.
Your soul is absolutely still worth it.

Go forth today believing that your soul is worth the fight.

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