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Friday, March 21, 2014

Consecration: The Road Less Traveled. Friday, March 21. Lent 2014.

St. Louis de Montfort is possibly best known
for his implementation of the consecration to Jesus through Mary.
Currently, I am reading the chapter on the consecration.
I am fascinated by the meaning of the word consecration
as well as the implied that stems from that meaning.

“The term ‘Consecration” comes from the root “holy” and fundamentally means that a person, place, or thing is sanctified, made holy to the Lord.”

Holiness is such a blessed gift.
One that we are so unworthy of,
yet one that is made available to us.
One that comes with a lot of costs though.

“To be consecrated or to be made holy conveys the idea, then of being separated from the profane through a sharing in some manner in the life of God. For God Alone is the “Holy One”.”

When we hear the word profane,
we immediately think that we participate in nothing of the sort.
But in reality,
any time we do not outwardly choose Christ,
we are choosing the profane,
choosing the world.

“Nothing but this ‘other’ can fulfill us in the very depths of our being. It is only in contact with the holy that we are interiorly liberated from the ambiguity of the self.”

Consecration means leaving the world behind.
All its joys and treasures and happiness.
In leaving it all behind,
we find that the things we once held dear mean nothing at all.
Especially when we see the light of Christ.
We now find true joy,
eternal treasures,
and real happiness.

“Consecration, therefore, is the entrance into the holy, sharing in the life of the All-Holy One, God Alone.”

The road is not an easy one.
It is one less traveled.
It is one that we may be persecuted for.
One that we may be made fun of for.
One that we may be isolated or shunned for.

But it is the road that leads to Christ.
Leads to sharing in the life of God Alone.

This Lenten blog series is based upon St. Louis de Montfort's writings. Unless otherwise noted, all the phrases in quotation marks are taken from the book Jesus Living in Mary.

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