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Monday, December 23, 2013

Wisdom from Phil Robertson. Advent Day 23. December 23, 2013.

Our culture has accepted two huge lies.
The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them.The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise your convictions to be compassionate.
-Phil Robertson

I love when the greatest bouts of wisdom come from the most unassuming people.

Our culture has decided that if we disagree with someone and their lifestyle of sin,
we must do away with them.
We can’t interact with them.
We should even start up petitions and hold protests
to show our disdain and disapproval of their lifestyle.

Whatever happened to conversation?
Just talking about the situation.
“Here is what I see. That doesn’t quite match the view of the Church. Could we talk about it?”
But no.
That’s way too offensive.
That’s getting too deep into a relationship.
That’s trespassing personal boundaries.
Not acceptable.

How are we ever supposed to become better people
if we won’t allow for any criticism or insight from anyone else?

Talking is too much?
It’s too scary?
What about living a lifestyle that speaks a million words?
What about mirroring your own life after the Church’s teachings?
Actions speak.
Live a life that speaks well.

On the flip side,
who said that to love you must agree with everything that person stands for?
We are such wimps.
We have become lukewarm.

Absolutely nothing wrong with being friends with someone
who lives a lifestyle of sin you don’t agree with.
In fact, go for it, you’re transcending the whole phobia thing.
But, the thing is, to love is to will the good of another,
not to condone and agree with all they do.

You can be friends and not agree with their lifestyle of sin.
You can love them without condoning the way they live.
You can have conversations without pointing a finger at them.
You can love them by challenging them; by not allowing them to settle.

If our ultimate goal is heaven then we must do some work to get there.
I can do some work myself,
but I also need the help of others.
I need other to point out my failings and sinful choices.
I need someone to love me in a way that challenges me,
not that bubble wraps me.
I think we all do.
Be that person for someone else.
Love, the right way.

“You don’t have to compromise your convictions to be compassionate.”

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